Canterbury Uptown
“A place for cultivating non-competitive friendships with God and one another”
Canterbury Uptown is a community of students, faculty, and staff presently centered in Morningside Heights at Columbia+Barnard, and we welcome the members of Columbia’s many schools as well as students, faculty, and staff from other universities and colleges around Uptown.
We are an open and inclusive Christian community—LGBTQ+ or straight, citizen or otherwise, originally religious or totally new to this spiritual stuff. We engage in practices ancient and modern—pilgrimage, prayer, Eucharist, and also tacos, apple picking, and outreach
Fall Retreat 2023
Alternative Commencement for Peace and Justice, 2024
Graduation, 2024
Beautiful, glorious, Earl Hall, Room 101
Weekly Gatherings
During the Semester 2024-2025
Worship and Holy Eucharist
Sundays, 6:15pm in St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia Morningside Campus
Dinner follows!
Noonday Prayer and Lunch
Thursdays, 12pm-3pm in Earl Hall, Room 101
It’s drop-in, drop-out prayer and lunch. Come by when your schedule allows
Faculty and Staff Eucharist
Wednesdays at 12:30pm in St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia Morningside Campus
All are welcome!
Summer schedule
Varies, based on vacation schedules, but we often gather for an outdoor service. Email the chaplain for more info!
Events for 2024-2025 (with more to come)
Spring Lenten Retreat
at Holy Cross Monastery
Feb. 14-16
Cookout at the
Chaplain’s House (Early September)
Holy Week
Mar. 24-31
Spring Semester
Fall Retreat with Prov 2
Episcopal Campus Ministries
Nov. 15-17
Lessons and Carols
with Sacred Music Program
Dec. 8
Commencement Baccalaureate and Reception
May 12-16