This is an easy two step process.

Step 1: Fill out the form here.

The form has the usual useful information for us—name and allergies and medical information, and so on.

Step 2: Pay the fee here (but read the notes below first!).

This link will take you to the Diocese of New York donation page for Canterbury Uptown (the campus ministry in the upper part of the city). We gather the registration fees here.

PLEASE NOTE: your campus ministry may have money to share or cover your cost! Many campus ministries pay all together. Check with your chaplain/priest/parish/church.

In the “add a message” section, please simply mention that this donation is for your registration fee, and note what university you are coming from.

The registration fee is discounted, and is $133 for sharing a double (for chaplains, single occupancy is $173).

If you need further financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact your local campus chaplain.